The Vacation Places To Stay network is comprised of several directories for short term vacation properties and is managed by Reservations Direct, Inc. Our goal is to provide travelers searching for vacation rentals or resorts an easy method of contacting Property Managers, Rental Agents and Home Owners directly for availability and information.
The directory network is based on specific vacation travel destinations and geographic location. Since 1999 it has expanded to more than 5000 properties in over 90+ favorite travel destinations around the world allowing visitors to easily locate Private Vacation Homes, Resorts, Small Lodging, Hotels, Bed and Breakfasts, Inns, and Spas.
With over 41,000 unique visitors a month, our directory network is rapidly becoming one of the largest vacation rental search engines.
The network is absolutely free to traveling visitors, for more vacation rental or resort information, select one of the areas below.